Paper on energy efficiency published in Energy Economics

Leon Bremer, Sacha den Nijs, and Henri de Groot recently published a paper on the energy efficiency gap in Energy Economics. In their research they show that firms in the Netherlands can still profitably save about 15% of their energy use by investing in energy efficiency. Even though firms have saved energy in the past,…

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Third edition ‘The Economics of Urban Transportation’ verschenen

Congratulations Erik Verhoef! Together with Kenneth Small and Robin Lindsey, he finished a third edition of a seminal textbook on ‘The Economics of Urban Transportation’. This new edition incorporates the latest research affecting the design, implementation, pricing, and control of transport systems in towns and cities. The book offers an economic framework for understanding the…

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New research: Diversification of regions in times of crises

A blog post on diversification of regions in times of crises has just been published by the London School of Economics (LSE United States Centre). It is based on the article “Technological Diversification of U.S. Cities during the Great Historical Crises” that Spatial Economics’ Mathieu Steijn wrote with Pierre-Alexandre Balland, Ron Boschma, and David Rigby…

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Hans Koster on the effects of industrial robots on workers

Recently a NBER paper on ‘Robots and workers: Evidence from the Netherlands‘ was published by Daron Acemoglu, Hans Koster and Ceren Ozgen. What exactly is this research about and why is it so important? We asked co-author Hans Koster. ‘Industrial robots are autonomous machines that are used in manufacturing in order to produce goods’, says…

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NWO Open Competition: New research project for Steven Poelhekke

For his research proposal  ‘Restricting raw material exports — bad for the world, good at home?’  Spatial Economics’ Steven Poelhekke (projectleader) together with Maarten Bosker (Erasmus University  Rotterdam) and Paul Pelzl (Norwegian School of Economics) received funding from the NWO 2022 Open Competition SSH – M funding round. Summary Industrial raw materials such as copper,…

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Master STREEM rates excellent on programme content and assessment

After the publication of the Keuzegids 2023 on 9 March it turned out that students are very satisfied with the master  Spatial, Transport & Environmental Economics (STREEM). In particular, STREEM scores maximum on content and assessment. Both components receive the maximum ‘++’ score. In addition to the bronze medal of EW Best Studies, this is…

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