Paper on energy efficiency published in Energy Economics

Leon Bremer, Sacha den Nijs, and Henri de Groot recently published a paper on the energy efficiency gap in Energy Economics. In their research they show that firms in the Netherlands can still profitably save about 15% of their energy use by investing in energy efficiency. Even though firms have saved energy in the past,…

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Third edition ‘The Economics of Urban Transportation’ verschenen

Congratulations Erik Verhoef! Together with Kenneth Small and Robin Lindsey, he finished a third edition of a seminal textbook on ‘The Economics of Urban Transportation’. This new edition incorporates the latest research affecting the design, implementation, pricing, and control of transport systems in towns and cities. The book offers an economic framework for understanding the…

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Research project ENHANCE: Successful kick-off meeting

On April 8, 2024, the kick-off meeting of research project ENHANCE took place at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. ENHANCE, short for ‘Enhancing Sustainable Travel in Small Cities and Outer Metropolitan Areas’, started in January 2024, and unites researchers from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (lead), University College London, Birkbeck University of London, and Universidade Nova de Lisboa. In…

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First publication and new position for Antonia Kurz

Congratulations Antonia Kurz! She had her first article on ‘Within-country leakage due to the exemption of small emitters from emissions pricing’ published in The Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. More good news: Antonia accepted a six-year postdoc position at DIW Berlin as per September 2024. At DIW Berlin Antonia will pursue and lead innovative…

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Strengthening international collaboration: University of Indonesia visits VU Amsterdam

The School of Business and Economics (SBE) at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VUA) had the honour of welcoming esteemed guests from the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (FEBUI) on November 14, 2023. This significant visit, led by Dr. Teguh Dartanto, Dean of FEBUI, along with Dr. Isfandiarni Rosidin (Director of the International Undergraduate…

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New research: The effects of Greenbelt policy in England

An article on ‘The welfare effects of Greenbelt policy – Evidence from England’, authored by Hans Koster, is forthcoming in the Economic Journal. The central research question driving this article revolves around the debate concerning whether imposing restrictions on urban expansion is a good idea or not. Green areas around cities where construction is forbidden –…

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