
Congratulations Antonia Kurz! She had her first article on ‘Within-country leakage due to the exemption of small emitters from emissions pricing’ published in The Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. More good news: Antonia accepted a six-year postdoc position at DIW Berlin as per September 2024.

At DIW Berlin Antonia will pursue and lead innovative analysis on the performance of existing and the next generation of policy instruments and market design that can support the transition to climate neutrality in the industry or power sector.

Antonia finished her research master in Economics at Tinbergen Institute in 2021, after which she started a PhD at our department, supervised by Gerard van der Meijden and Carolyn Fischer. 

She is interested in the impacts of environmental regulation on international trade and market power, especially the heterogeneous effects across firm size and sectors and is currently visiting The University of British Columbia, Canada.

Visit Antonia’s personal site