The master Spatial, Transport, and Environmental Economics (usually abbreviated as STREEM) obtained the bronze medal in de EW Beste Studies 2022. This means in fact that STREEM is one of the best Economics Masters, and the best Applied Economics Master.
EW Best Studies 2022 analyzed 2,273 bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes. 340 individual programmes at colleges and universities have been awarded bronze, silver and gold medals. The medals are awarded if students are very satisfied with various aspects of their studies, such as content, atmosphere and preparation for the labour market.
To be eligible for a medal, a programme must score significantly better than other programmes within the relevant sector in at least 4 of the 11 categories examined. The EW Best Studies 2022 ranking is based on an analysis of evaluations of 286,000 students, collected from the National Student Survey 2022. Moreover, of the broad universities, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, together with Utrecht University, scored best with no less than five gold medals. Read more (in Dutch)