Smart mobility could make policy objectives be achieved faster and more efficiently. In order to assess these promises and to exploit the potential it is necessary to equip professionals involved in policy making and delivery with a solid set of knowledge and methods. For this purpose, an e-course for policy makers designed, presenting the key findings from VerDuS-SURF research projects STAD*, SCRIPTS**, and U-SMILE***.
This e-course (in English) was developed as part of the VerDuS programme Smart Urban Regions of the Future with project number 438.19.162 which is (co)financed by the Dutch Research Council. It has been established by DTV Consultants and Goudappel Coffeng and lead by TU Delft.
After registration, the course is freely available here.
In addition to this e-course, a report in Dutch ‘Slimme mobiliteit voor beleidsmakers’ (Smart mobility for policy makers) has been published on the findings of the research projects, which can be downloaded here.
*Spatial and Transport impacts of Automated Driving
**Smart Cities Responsive Intelligent Public Transport Systems
***Urban Smart Measures and Incentives for quality of Life Enhancement