MObility during and after COrona LOckDOwn (abbreviated as MOCOLODO) is a research project, addressing urgent (policy) questions about mobility in corona times. In particular, MOCOLODO aims to answer the following questions:
- What can we learn about mobility behaviour and its determinants during lockdown and relaxation?
- Based on this knowledge, how can we advise governments on flexible and effective management of mobility during lockdown and relaxation?
- How can this be brought into line with long-term sustainability goals in (urban) mobility?
The project unites researchers from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, University of Twente, Delft University of Technology, Utrecht University, and University of Groningen. The project, which started in September 2020, is well under way. That became clear during the second full plenary meeting of November 4, 2021.
As MOCOLODO research is highly relevant for policy and society, the MOCOLODO consortium includes a number of societal partners. During the meeting, presentations were given by the researchers, after which discussants from society (think of municipalities, transport organizations) provided feedback.
The following presentations were given:
- Travelling behaviour and Covid-19: Patterns and Determinants (Xiao Yu, VU)
- Optimization under uncertainty in public transport (Oskar Eikenbroek, UT)
- Effects of Covid-19 on car and bicycle traffic demand (Alexandra Gavriilidou, TUD)
- Travel behaviour and vehicle access dynamics during and after the Covid-19 pandemic (Victor Nielsen, UU)
- Values and public transport use during and intentions after corona lockdown (Leonie Vrieling, RUG)
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This project is funded by