How can we relieve the pressure on the traffic infrastructure in the long term, taking into account sustainability, energy transition and accessibility? This is the main question that research project MOCOLODO (MObiliteit during and after COrona LOckDOwn) addresses. MOCOLODO is a collaboration between a number of universities, led by Spatial Economics’ head of department Erik Verhoef.
Even without corona, the mobility system was already heavily loaded. The increasing congestion is and remains an urgent issue, in which the overcrowded public transport, certainly in and around economic centres during rush hour, only made it more difficult to cope with the congestion problem. Within cities, in addition to the benefits in terms of air quality and health, increasing bicycle traffic leads to higher burdens on the cycling infrastructure. The pressure on the transport infrastructure will continue.
Leonie Vrieling, MOCOLODO researcher at the University of Groningen, and Jorinde ten Hoeve, marketer at OV-bureau Groningen Drenthe, explained the consequences and influences of the corona crisis on public transport in an online session during the New Energy Forum. Read more at HIVE Mobility>>>
MOCOLODO (MObility during and after COrona LOckDOwn) is a multidisciplinary collaboration between researchers from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, University of Twente, Delft University of Technology, Utrecht University, and University of Groningen; together with a number of societal partners among which several municipalities and transport agencies. The project runs from September 2020 tot September 2022. MOCOLODO is funded by ZonMw
Ellen Woudstra
Augustus 2021